Monday, September 30, 2019
Roles and Responsibilities of Employees in Bpo
SUSEE I. SYS PVT LTD ROLES AND RESPONSIBLITIES Roles and responsibilities of employees in BPO Manoj Mathew * What is MANAGEMENT Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims * Characteristics of Management Goal Oriented : It coordinates the efforts of workers to achieve the goal of the organization * Result through others : The Manager cannot do everything themselves, they must motivate the subordinates for the accomplishment * System of Authority : a hierarchy of command and control should be followed * Multi-disciplinary Subject : Management has grown taking the help of so many other disciplines such as Technological engineering , sociology and psychology * Classification of Our business activities * Technical Activities * Commercial Activities * Financial Activities * Security Activities * Accounting Activities Managerial activities * Qualities of a Manager * 1. Physical ( Healthy and energy ) * 2. Mental ( ability to understand ) * 3. Moral ( Willingness to accept responsibilities and Loyalty ) * 4. General Education ( Awareness in all areas ) * 5. Special Knowledge ( high knowledge in working area ) * 6. Experience (Knowledge arising from Work Proper ) * Different Managerial skills * Technical skills enable people to perform an operational activity involving methods, processes or techniques * Human skills enable people to communicate, persuade, manage conflict, motivate, coach, negotiate and lead. Conceptual skills enable people to come out with new ideas & creative thinking especially during uncertainty * Steps involved in Successful Delegation * Establishment of definite goals : Set goals for the BPO process * Developing Personal Discipline for Supervision : Every subordinate get the attitude to take responsibility * Establishment of Definite responsibilities : Tell what are the responsibilities to be performed * Training : Before Delegation giv e proper training to the subordinate * Report : Delegation Report should be submitted Control : Even after delegation supervisor should monitor * Organising the activities * Organisational Structure in susee BPO * It includes different organizational level and duties and responsibilities of the people at different level. * It is the framework or structure of an organization * Line functional Heads are which have direct responsibility and relation for accomplishing the primary objectives of the enterprise * Staff functions refer to those who ultimately responsible to work most effectively in accomplishing the primary objectives of the enterprises OPERATIONS MANAGER MR J. SUKUMAR) QUALITY ANALYSERS NAGALAKSHMI RANJINI NALINI TEAM LEADERS ARULKAMU SOUNDARI K. SARAVANAN DATA ENTRY TRAINEE DATA ENTRY TRAINEE DATA ENTRY TRAINEE DATA ENTRY OPERATORS DATA ENTRY OPERATORS DATA ENTRY OPERATORS DATA ENTRY OPERATORS PROJECT LEADERS/HEADS SHIFT1 (SANGEETHA. T) SHIFT2 (K. VEERAMANIKANDAN) OPERATI ONS SUPERVISOR SHIFT 1 Mr.A. D. VINOTHKUMAR OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR SHIFT2 (Mr. V. MAHINDRAN) M ASST MANAGER (MR MANICKAM) Responsibilities of Operations Manager * Policy Formulation: Formulating policy is one of the core duties of an operations manager. Companies must operate and function on a daily basis within a prescribed set of guidelines. These guidelines are generally established by operations managers * Planning: The planning of various company operations and activities is another major concern of the operations manager.Operations managers tend to determine which products are bought and sold the operations manager also helps plan and coordinate activities between various departments such as determining what types of sales promotions the company will engage in. * Controlling Resources: Controlling major company resources is yet a third major function of an operations manager. Operations managers oversee the implementation of payroll policies and procedures, how much employees a re paid, how funds are allocated for benefits packages and how other funds are spent to keep the company operating smoothly on a day-to-day basis.Operations managers regularly review financial statements to ensure that the company is operating as efficiently and as profitably as possible. * Communication: A final core responsibility of an operations manager is communicating with other management professionals within the organization to keep the company running smoothly, and communicating with other companies and organizations with which the company does business. Operations managers are responsible for putting together reports and financial statements that are essential for other top executives within the company or organization. Improving the performance of operation:à Operations managers are expected to continually monitor and improve the overall performance of their operation. * Responsibilities of Assistant Manager * To be responsible for implementing the assigned areas of res ponsibility within the HR function. * To maintain the database and updates regularly * To generate reports based on database and updates * To clarify employees (internal customers) policies, procedures and processes * To assist in quality improvement initiatives of the areas of their work * To run the Performance Measurement Cycle is the key Responsibility Areas for Assistant Manager To coordinate and manage recruitment at various levels and finding ways to meet the ramp up plans for the organization. * To be accountable for delivery of expected assignments/results * To handle training (as and when required) Common Points for both Assistant Manager * To take initiative for improving systems and processes * Should have excellent knowledge of the market conditions * Should have appropriate knowledge about benefits administrators (PF, Gratuity, Superannuation, Insurance, etc) or training consultants, recruitment consultants, etc Responsibilities of supervisors ââ¬â Assign work: Ass ign certain duties to the employee, explaining how those duties are to be done (i. e. what level of performance will meet the supervisorââ¬â¢s expectations) and communicate how the successful performance of those duties will be measured. Ensure that the employee is working under a current job description ââ¬â Orient and Train: Provide appropriate orientation for the employee addressing such topics as are listed on theà new employee orientation checklistà at the end of this document.Give employees the information, technology and reference materials necessary to perform jobs ââ¬â Evaluate Performance: Be sure your employee is familiar with the format of the appraisal form you will be using and is clear about the evaluation process. ââ¬â Resolve Complaints:à Help employees address and resolve a wide variety of concerns and complaints. These typically involve job duties and job descriptions, performance standards, relations with co-workers, relations with supervisor s and managers. * Responsibilities of Project Leaders role as a Project Leader (PL) is extremely vital in assuring the successful implementation of your project with volunteers * To be responsible for co-ordinating your project volunteers and your project * To act as a source of information between the management, the staff and the DEOââ¬â¢s through meetings * Monitor Progress: During the course of the project, the lead is responsible for monitoring progress on a regular basis. This could be daily or weekly. * Responsibilities of Team leaders * 1. Provide your team with the companyââ¬â¢s vision and the objectives of all projects. . Create an environment oriented to open communications, creative thinking, cohesive team effort and workplace trust. 3. Lead by example (be a role model) ââ¬â make your behaviour consistent with your words 4. Manage, train, and help the development of team members; help resolve any dysfunctional behaviour 5. Attempt to achieve team consensus and create win-win agreements wherever possible 6. Lead problem solving and collaboration 7. Keep discussions focused and ensure decisions lead toward closure 8. Build and foster healthy group dynamics . Assure that all team members have the required education and training to effectively participate on their assigned project. 10. Acknowledge and reward team and team member accomplishments, as well as exceptional performance * Responsibilities of Quality analyser 1. To audit the number of jobs given by the client on a daily basis 2. Record feedback and to let the Customer service Executives know about his/hers areas of improvements. 3. Bring in necessary changes to the process and constant updating of BPO core process 4.Attend EPUB calibrations 5. To check and validate the project through final quality check * Process Workflow in susee BPO Allotment of jobs . XLS to project leader Checking priority and validate Input mail- Job receiving from clients Receiving Payment for job done Invoici ng Production Sheet Submission Upload the completed project through mail or FTP Final Quality check through analyst Final process and scrutinising the project Work in progress with stipulated duration to complete the assigned job Allotment of jobs to DEOââ¬â¢s
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Marbury vs. Madison
Marbury vs. Madison (5 U.S. 137, 1803) involved an application for a writ of mandamus against the then Secretary of State Madison, directing him to deliver to Marbury his commission as a Justice of the Peace for the District of Columbia.à In determining whether or not mandamus would lie, the Supreme Court made a four part inquiry involving the following questions, to wit: 1) whether or not the applicant Madison has a right to the commission he demands; 2) in the affirmative, whether or not the laws of the United States afford him a remedy for its violation; 3) in the affirmative, whether or not mandamus is the proper remedy. The case is considered a landmark case, because it was the first time that the US Supreme Court, through then Chief Justice Marshall, enunciated the doctrine of judicial review, i.e., that the Supreme Court has the power to review federal or state legislation, or acts of government officers and other individuals, to determine whether or not they are in consonance with the provisions of the Constitution, and to strike down such laws and acts if they are found to be unconstitutional.à Specifically, Chief Justice Marshall stated that: ââ¬Å"â⬠If an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void, does it notwithstanding its invalidity, bind the courts, and oblige them to give it effect?â⬠¦ It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law isâ⬠¦If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each (5 U.S. 137, 178).à So if a law be in opposition to the constitution; if both the law and the constitution apply to a particular case, so that the court must either decide that case conformably to the law, disregarding the constitution; or conformably to the constitution, disregarding the law; the court must determine which of these conflicting rules governs the case. This is of the very essence of judicial dutyâ⬠(5 U.S. 137, 179). Over the years, the doctrine of federal and state judicial review has been developed and enhanced, despite there being no express provision on its grant to the judicial branch of government under the constitution.à In interpreting the constitution, there are generally six forms of construction that are usually applied, i.e., historical, textual, structural, doctrinal, ethical, and prudential (Fallon, 1987). The historical construction centers on the original legislative intent behind the provision, while the textual interpretation involves the text itself, and the structural interpretation contrasts the text with the structure given in the constitution.à Ethical and prudential considerations generally involve a determination of whether or not it would be proper, ethical, or wise to make a ruling.à The doctrinal form of construction involves another doctrine, that of stare decisis. The complete Latin term is stare decisis et non quiete movere.à Literally translated, it means ââ¬Å"stand by decisions and do not move that which is quiet.â⬠à The doctrine of stare decisis or of case precedents is one of the central tenets of a common law legal system.à Past precedent generally circumscribes the leeway by which a court can address a certain issue, because the rule is that once something has heretofore been judicially determined, then that is all there is to it.à ââ¬Å"Stare decisis is usually the wise policy, because in most matters it is more important that the applicable rule of law be settled than that it be settled right. . . . This is commonly true even where the error is a matter of serious concern, provided correction can be had by legislation.à But in cases involving the Federal Constitution, where correction through legislative action is practically impossible, this Court has often overruled its earlier decisions.à The Court bows to the lessons of experience and the force of better reasoning, recognizing that the process of trial and error so fruitful in the physical sciences, is appropriate also in the judicial functionâ⬠(Burnet v. Coronado Oil & Gas Co., 285 U.S. 393, 1932). For some justices, the doctrine of stare decisis would be no doctrine at all, if overruling justices gave reasons that did not go beyond pointing out that the previous decision was wrong (Nelson, 2001).à This presents a huge burden on the exercise of judicial review, especially since cases hinging on the constitutionality of statutes are usually considered landmark cases and are the basis for applying the stare decisis doctrine. The main arguments against the doctrine of judicial review are against its validity, in that, as mentioned, it is not specifically vested as a power of the judiciary in the constitution, and that it goes against the doctrine of stare decisis.à The proponents of the validity of judicial review would rely on the broad definition of judicial power under the constitution, and the fact that it has been long recognized and accepted in other common law jurisdictions. If judicial review were considered an absolute power, it would definitely undermine the common law doctrine of stare decisis, because judges and justices would be given free reign to determine what the law is and apply their interpretations on a case to case basis whenever they saw fit.à However, to think that either judicial review or stare decisis are absolutes would be absurd, because no government power is absolute. Instead of focusing on an apparent conflict or adverse relationship between the two, it is submitted that despite the criticisms against judicial review, it is an inherent function of judicial power, and should be harmonized with the stare decisis doctrine.à One author proposes thus: ââ¬Å"Even in cases of first impression, judges do not purport to have unconstrained discretion to enforce whatever rules they please.à Many of their arguments appeal instead to external sources of law, like statutes or established customs. These external sources of law will often be indeterminate and incomplete; they will leave considerable room for judicial discretion.à But unless they are wholly indeterminate, they will still tend to produce some degree of consistency in judicial decisions.à If â⬠¦the primary purpose of stare decisis is to protect the rule of law by avoiding an endless series of changes in judicial decisions, we may be able to achieve this purpose without applying a general presumption against overruling past decisions. We may, in short, be able to refine the doctrine of stare decisis to take advantage of the consistency that would tend to exist even in its absenceâ⬠(Nelson, 2001).à The doctrine of stare decisis is about stability, while judicial review is about fairness and justice.à Applying both and harmonizing their purposes would allow for flexibility and wisdom, especially in cases when past decisions are not on all fours with the facts of the case at hand. Reference List: Burnet v. Coronado Oil & Gas Co., 285 U.S. 393 (1932) (dissenting opinion by Justice Brandeis). Fallon. (1987). A Constructivist Coherence Theory of Constitutional Interpretation. 100 Harv. L. Rev. 1189. Marbury vs. Madison, 5 U.S. 147 (1803). Nelson, C. (2001). Stare Decisis an Marbury vs. Madison Marbury vs. Madison (5 U.S. 137, 1803) involved an application for a writ of mandamus against the then Secretary of State Madison, directing him to deliver to Marbury his commission as a Justice of the Peace for the District of Columbia.à In determining whether or not mandamus would lie, the Supreme Court made a four part inquiry involving the following questions, to wit: 1) whether or not the applicant Madison has a right to the commission he demands; 2) in the affirmative, whether or not the laws of the United States afford him a remedy for its violation; 3) in the affirmative, whether or not mandamus is the proper remedy. The case is considered a landmark case, because it was the first time that the US Supreme Court, through then Chief Justice Marshall, enunciated the doctrine of judicial review, i.e., that the Supreme Court has the power to review federal or state legislation, or acts of government officers and other individuals, to determine whether or not they are in consonance with the provisions of the Constitution, and to strike down such laws and acts if they are found to be unconstitutional.à Specifically, Chief Justice Marshall stated that: ââ¬Å"â⬠If an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void, does it notwithstanding its invalidity, bind the courts, and oblige them to give it effect?â⬠¦ It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law isâ⬠¦If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each (5 U.S. 137, 178).à So if a law be in opposition to the constitution; if both the law and the constitution apply to a particular case, so that the court must either decide that case conformably to the law, disregarding the constitution; or conformably to the constitution, disregarding the law; the court must determine which of these conflicting rules governs the case. This is of the very essence of judicial dutyâ⬠(5 U.S. 137, 179). Over the years, the doctrine of federal and state judicial review has been developed and enhanced, despite there being no express provision on its grant to the judicial branch of government under the constitution.à In interpreting the constitution, there are generally six forms of construction that are usually applied, i.e., historical, textual, structural, doctrinal, ethical, and prudential (Fallon, 1987). The historical construction centers on the original legislative intent behind the provision, while the textual interpretation involves the text itself, and the structural interpretation contrasts the text with the structure given in the constitution.à Ethical and prudential considerations generally involve a determination of whether or not it would be proper, ethical, or wise to make a ruling.à The doctrinal form of construction involves another doctrine, that of stare decisis. The complete Latin term is stare decisis et non quiete movere.à Literally translated, it means ââ¬Å"stand by decisions and do not move that which is quiet.â⬠à The doctrine of stare decisis or of case precedents is one of the central tenets of a common law legal system.à Past precedent generally circumscribes the leeway by which a court can address a certain issue, because the rule is that once something has heretofore been judicially determined, then that is all there is to it.à ââ¬Å"Stare decisis is usually the wise policy, because in most matters it is more important that the applicable rule of law be settled than that it be settled right. . . . This is commonly true even where the error is a matter of serious concern, provided correction can be had by legislation.à But in cases involving the Federal Constitution, where correction through legislative action is practically impossible, this Court has often overruled its earlier decisions.à The Court bows to the lessons of experience and the force of better reasoning, recognizing that the process of trial and error so fruitful in the physical sciences, is appropriate also in the judicial functionâ⬠(Burnet v. Coronado Oil & Gas Co., 285 U.S. 393, 1932). For some justices, the doctrine of stare decisis would be no doctrine at all, if overruling justices gave reasons that did not go beyond pointing out that the previous decision was wrong (Nelson, 2001).à This presents a huge burden on the exercise of judicial review, especially since cases hinging on the constitutionality of statutes are usually considered landmark cases and are the basis for applying the stare decisis doctrine. The main arguments against the doctrine of judicial review are against its validity, in that, as mentioned, it is not specifically vested as a power of the judiciary in the constitution, and that it goes against the doctrine of stare decisis.à The proponents of the validity of judicial review would rely on the broad definition of judicial power under the constitution, and the fact that it has been long recognized and accepted in other common law jurisdictions. If judicial review were considered an absolute power, it would definitely undermine the common law doctrine of stare decisis, because judges and justices would be given free reign to determine what the law is and apply their interpretations on a case to case basis whenever they saw fit.à However, to think that either judicial review or stare decisis are absolutes would be absurd, because no government power is absolute. Instead of focusing on an apparent conflict or adverse relationship between the two, it is submitted that despite the criticisms against judicial review, it is an inherent function of judicial power, and should be harmonized with the stare decisis doctrine.à One author proposes thus: ââ¬Å"Even in cases of first impression, judges do not purport to have unconstrained discretion to enforce whatever rules they please.à Many of their arguments appeal instead to external sources of law, like statutes or established customs. These external sources of law will often be indeterminate and incomplete; they will leave considerable room for judicial discretion.à But unless they are wholly indeterminate, they will still tend to produce some degree of consistency in judicial decisions.à If â⬠¦the primary purpose of stare decisis is to protect the rule of law by avoiding an endless series of changes in judicial decisions, we may be able to achieve this purpose without applying a general presumption against overruling past decisions. We may, in short, be able to refine the doctrine of stare decisis to take advantage of the consistency that would tend to exist even in its absenceâ⬠(Nelson, 2001).à The doctrine of stare decisis is about stability, while judicial review is about fairness and justice.à Applying both and harmonizing their purposes would allow for flexibility and wisdom, especially in cases when past decisions are not on all fours with the facts of the case at hand. Reference List: Burnet v. Coronado Oil & Gas Co., 285 U.S. 393 (1932) (dissenting opinion by Justice Brandeis). Fallon. (1987). A Constructivist Coherence Theory of Constitutional Interpretation. 100 Harv. L. Rev. 1189. Marbury vs. Madison, 5 U.S. 147 (1803). Nelson, C. (2001). Stare Decisis an
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Discussion questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discussion questions - Coursework Example Information sharing helps management relate to their employees directly. Times are changing organization structures from the old vertical structural policies, to horizontal structures. As a result, there are little or no communication boundaries between managers and employees. Tasks are now given to empowered employees (Daft 41). This is a change from the customary, routine tasks. The structures provide precision on each tasks, and who is to perform the task. For an organization to remain economically sound, their cultures change from rigid to adaptive ones. The new culture advocates for openness, change, continuous improvement, and equality. Competition is reduced to collaboration between organizations to allow for horning of talent and skill (Daft 41). Differences expected among stakeholdersââ¬â¢ expectations in a non-profit organization as compared to a for-profit organization exist. In most cases, stakeholders in a non-profit organization do not expect profit from their everyday business dealings. All the profit gained through business goes back to running the organization. Stakeholders in for-profit organizations, on the other hand, expect profit from daily business operations, for their own benefit (Daft 37). This is depending on how they may have invested in the organization. Non-profit managers do not need to pay more attention to stakeholders than business managers. This is because; business managers ensure the capital invested in the organization is spent as per the required standards. They are, therefore, considered parties that run the organizations. Stakeholders, on the other hand, only need to be filled in on the financial situation of the organization from time to time. This is to ensure that the capital in the organization is used properly. They monitor the fiscal activity in the organization (Daft 38). It is, therefore, the managerââ¬â¢s prerogative to watch business managers, more than the
Friday, September 27, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Corporate Social Responsibility - Assignment Example Some of the products from the company include switches and routers, network security software Intel Protocol (IP) equipment as well as storage networking, optical transport devices. Nonetheless, the company runs a Research and Development Centre in Ontario and some of the customers of Cisco Systems include all businesses, providers of telecommunication services, schools, and government agencies (Cisco Systems Canada Co, 2015) . In addition, Cisco Systems Canada is a subsidiary company of Cisco Systems that is headquartered in California (Cisco, 2015). Cisco has a unique approach to CSR where the focus is to use expertise, partnerships, and technology in creating a positive impact worldwide. The company believes that social and environmental responsibility benefits people, the planet and very crucial in ensuring sustainability in business. Brazil lists among the countries that are successfully emerging from the global recession implying that the countrys economy is growing, and this explains the declining unemployment rates (Cisco, 2015). However, the country still records high crime rates owing to lack of education where teenagers choose to join youth gangs as the only way to survive. In most residents in Brazil, young people are missing out on their dreams to become better people in the future because they lack knowledge and skills (BBC NEWS, 2015). To address the situation, relevant stakeholders need to increase the residentââ¬â¢s access education by improving the learning sector. On the contrary, Brazil continues to attract foreign investment with multinational companies focusing on how to benefit from the growing market. In this case, companyââ¬â¢s Cisco operates in the country but has been able to engage in corporate social responsibility projects to improve accessibility to learning in the country (Cisco, 2015). In Brazil, SOS Children Villages was initiated to shelter children who were at personal and social risks as well as empowering
Thursday, September 26, 2019
A timeline of the September 11 attacks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A timeline of the September 11 attacks - Essay Example This essay provides a short information about the catastrophe and further events till September 30. Three hijacked planes hit the World Trade Centre in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington DC. A fourth plane crashes into a field in Pennsylvania.The FAA stops all flight operations in the capital and around the nation for the very first time in the history of America (House of Commons Librarary, 2001, pp 1-72) The president: George Bush addresses the nation and vows to find the people responsible for the attack in order for justice to be served. Trading at the world trade centre is stopped as the police are sent to conduct rescue services in the areas affected the attacks. International leaders shoe their outrage over the attacks as they move in swiftly to help in the rescue operations (Watchtel, 2009, pp 1-48). September 12, 2001: the New York mayor at the moment Giuliani notifies that the death toll at the world trade centre will be in thousands (Anderson, 2003, pp 1-30). The fire fighters from various departments and the military continue combating the fire in the two cities of New York and Washington. The president terms the attacks as acts of war and requests the congress to help rebuild America by devoting $20 billion (House of Commons Librarary, 2001, pp 1-72). September 13, 2001: president bush vows to lead the world to victory over terrorism terming the attacks as the first war of the 21st century (Englar, 2007, pp 1-25). The then secretary of state Colin Powel after consultations with the department of defence identifies Osama bin Laden as the prime suspect with the then deputy Defence secretary saying that the US will respond with a sustained military campaign. The FAA allows the airports to begin operations but under tight surveillance (Langley, 2006, pp 3-50). September 14, 2001: President Bush declares a national emergency and instructs the military to call fifty thousand soldiers to active duty (House of Commons Librarary, 2001, 1-72). The department of defence releases a list of the nineteen suspected hijackers. At the same time Afghanistanââ¬â¢s Taliban militia group warn America of revenging if the US attacked it for hosting the Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden (Watchtel, 2009, pp 1-48). September 15, 2001: the president declares waging an unrelenting war to hunt down terrorist and the state department cautions that any government that supports terrorism will be isolated (House of Commons Librarary, 2001, pp 1-72). Pakistan on the other hand agrees to help Americans to attack the neighbouring Afghanistan. September 16, 2001: Osama bin Laden denies involvement in the attack as President Bush pledges to rid the world all evil doers brushing off Osamaââ¬â¢s claims (House of Commons Librarary, 2001, pp 1-72). The vice president Dick Cheney warns anyone who harbours terrorists will be dealt with mercilessly by the US. United States send a delegation to Afghanistan to release Osama or risk massive attacks (Schier, 2 008, pp 6-100). September 17, 2001: Taliban leaders say that a grand council of Muslim clerics will decide on whether to hand in Osama or not. The Federal Reserve of America cuts its key interests in a bid to keep the economy from plunging into a recession. The FBI releases a list of names that they want detained both in the US and abroad. Trading begins at the New York stock exchange. September 18, 2001: the Taliban Muslim leaders call on all Muslims to wage a Holy war in the event that America attacks them. The defence secretary says the administration is preparing attacks on terrorists and those countries that support terrorist activities (Heider, 2008, pp 1-41). President Bush leads the US people in a moment of silent to remember the people who perished in the attacks (Langley, 2006, pp 3-50). September 19, 2001: the Pentagon gives an order that combat aircrafts should base in the Persian Gulf. President Bush continues with his push to get world leaders to support him in the fig ht against terrorism and meets with different
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Personal Development Plan for the Next Five Years Essay
Personal Development Plan for the Next Five Years - Essay Example ement) For my personal analysis, I used the Myers-Brigg personal indicator and the VARK learning styles assessment. Myers-Briggs assessed me as a INTJ, Introverted, focusing on my inner world, Intuitive, one who interprets and adds meaning to data, Thinking, one who depends on logic and consistency, and Judging, one who prefers things to be settled The Myers-Brigg type indicator is based on C.G. Jungââ¬â¢s psychological character theory that classifies individuals by their introverted and extroverted attitudes as fundamental orientations to the subjective world around them (MacCrae & Costa, March 1989). Myers-Briggs used Jung as their starting point and created 16 types of attitudes and preferences to measure personality types. The MBTI measures our preference for 1) interacting with one another, 2) gathering information, 3) making decisions about what we experience, and 4) controlling ourselves and the world around us (Nicholson, 24 June 2011). Extroversion or Introversion(Energy Orientation)à According to Quenk,extroverts get their energy from the outer world of people and objects.(Quenk, 2009) Extroverts are social and outgoing, build attachments quickly and share ideas readily; introverts are personality opposites of extroverts. This type of personality is satisfied and feels energized when they spend a time alone or with a close friend.(Quenk,2009).According to Watkins,these type personalities think before they speak, are not always self-confident and are reserved and introspective(Watkins,1999).à According to my MBTI result I'm clearly the introverted personality type (84% introversion vs. 16% extroversion).The result of the first step was not surprising for me. I have been criticized many times about being introverted, but the significant way to analyze me is by giving an example about my friends and our meetings. As a friends group, we usually meet in numbers of three or four peop le and avoid activities that require interaction with other people. We prefer going to the cinema rather than talking in a pub. Even when we are giving a party we invite people that we know very well, rather than groups of strangers or classmates. According to these examples I am an introverted personality type.à Sensing and Intuition (Learning Process)à By Sensing we gather information using our five senses; Sensing is based on details of the environment surrounding us (Quenk,2009).Intuition is assimilation of ideas and theories by focusing less to the details in environment (Joyce). People who prefer sensing like problems with standard solutions, they are more realistic, practical and more interested in things happening (Bayne, 1997). Intuitive people are more futuristic, impatient to routine and they like to see the big picture (Bayne,1997).à Results of the MBTI showed that my learning style is more close to the intuitive type (intuition 74% vs. sensing 26%).à When I get bored from a book,to entertain myself I open the book at random and try to relate the events to one another then attempt to figure out the ending of the book. Sometimes I ignore details aboutan object and assign a metaphorical meaning to the story. I agree that I prefer intuition but I am questioning the high percentage that was portrayed in my evaluation. When I solve problems I
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
Case Study Example One of the most effective policies to employ in the organization for greater security is the usage of key passes. These are very important, as they will help in the identification of people who enter and live various sections and rooms in the organization. The policy of ensuring that every employee in the organization has a key pass will help secure the organizationââ¬â¢s assets such as computers as the organization works through the internet. In case of any mishap, the information technology specialists in the organization just have to review the latest people to access the place in question. This is a short-term goal as the keys can be created from inside the organization A long-term goal that can be set for the organization in terms of security is ensuring that it creates firewalls. These are very important in an effort to save the files that are located in the computers through the continuing commercial activities. Firewalls are important in that they assist in the prevention of hackers. In the contemporary world, hacking has become one of the widely recognized activities in the field of Information technology. E-commerce involves the trading of commodities online, there are people who may hack and alter the system to some form such as it would seem as they have paid money for a commodity, hence go ahead, and claim it. This form of hacking is bound to be curtailed by the installation of firewalls. The installation of a diverse and complex backup system is very influential. This is one of the policies that should be put as a long-term aspiration. Back-up systems are influential in that they assist in the recovery of files in case of a crash of systems due to some of the contemporary issues that may arise such as a sweep of the system by some form of Electromagnetic wave (Newman, 2009). Another issue noted in the field of commerce is the increased number of players. With an increased number of players, one of the increasing
Monday, September 23, 2019
Exam 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Exam 2 - Essay Example Restriction on occupying white land was another driver to the revolution agenda. The fact that the colonialists restricted the activities that could be carried out by the people, it was definite that settlement was also unbalanced (Tidal and Shi 77). There were areas restricted to entry and occupation this had to be resisted as it made others feel that they were inferior and sidelined thus triggering resistance that lead to reforms. The weight of taxation fell on the back of the people. This, however, never performed its task as expected by the people. Thus, the re developed zero tolerance to the high and unfair system of taxation. The government had to model an acceptable taxation system. The end result in this case was reforms that were to benefit the people and relieve them of the unfair governance as had been manifested before. Debts to the merchants of Europe prompted loyalty prevalence among the two countries. The resultant event that followed was revolution so as to improve terms of relation. There had to be a good government to ensure proper use and settling of the debt. Thus, the government had to set up reforms in the manner that it was called for. Development of national consciousness throughout due to the advancement in knowledge also leads to the revolution. The people became more aware and concerned about their rights. As a result, they pressed on for issues that they felt were not in order to the positive. This became so massive that reforms were inevitable. The whole system had to do things the right way so that the people could see the benefits associated with every action. The fact that the people became more watchful was a sign of enlighten that played a big role in revolution. Conflict of class also came in as other people were sidelined. The rich felt that this was not the right way to go, they had to find a way of sharing the powers as such they pushed for the reforms. Revolutionary conspiracy took center
Sunday, September 22, 2019
What Is Justice For Socrates And Augustine Who (Or What) Is The Essay
What Is Justice For Socrates And Augustine Who (Or What) Is The Highest Authority To Judge - Essay Example Socrates and Augustine were two philosophers that were born into very different ages, filled with different social influences, different religions and different pressures. These differences drove the philosophical theories of the men, and how they defined justice as well as who or what they perceived as the highest authority to judge them. Socrates was born in 470 BC and executed by poison in 399 BC, a time at which Greek religion was prominent. His philosophy was auditory, through dialogue and the exchange of questions and answers with those he was talking with. As a consequence he produced no written works of his philosophy; however, his student Plato produced many written dialogues of Socratesââ¬â¢ philosophy. The dialogues Apology and Crito provide strong indications of his philosophy in regards to justice and the authority to judge. Augustine was born into a much later time, 354 AD, where parts of the Roman Empire were collapsing, and Christianity was becoming the dominant re ligion. His series of autobiographic books Confessions chronicle his life up till his early 40s and include many philosophical and theological discussions concerning God. These books show the way in which Augustine views justice and judgment. Socrates Socrates was born in 470 BC and died in 399 BC. ... This ââ¬ËSocratic Methodââ¬â¢ involved him asking probing questions in a manner that eventually led them to the truth. He would spend a large amount of time in public places, engaging citizens in discussion in an attempt to draw them into greater levels of self-analysis. Plato was a student of Socrates from a young age and wrote many dialogues based on the philosophy that he learned. In the years surrounding 380 BC Plato established a school which forwarded education with focuses on math, music, athletics, philosophy and sciences. Beyond Plato, the only other writer who recorded the philosophy of Socrates was Xenophon; however he did not always portray Socrates philosophically. As a consequence, the writings of Plato are the only indication of Socratesââ¬â¢ philosophy, and it is difficult to tell what parts is Platoââ¬â¢s own philosophy and which are from Socrates. Apology Apology is titled for the term for a Greek defense speech, apologia. Socrates has been brought to tr ial before the court of Athens with the accusations of corrupting youth, inventing new gods and not recognizing those gods that are accepted by the state. Apology consists of his defense speech against the charges which includes the cross examination of his main accuser, Meletus. In his dialogue with Meletus, Socrates leads him through questions into charging Socrates both with the invention of new gods and with atheism, two contradictory charges. When asked what method of punishment he would prefer on the verdict of guilty, Socrates opts for death over prison or exile, as he will never stop philosophizing and does not fear death. Throughout Apology, Socrates repeatedly and consistently defends his right to be a philosopher and to the way in which he lives. He makes it clear to the court that the aim
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pros and Cons of exercising Essay Example for Free
Pros and Cons of exercising Essay Question 3: Do you agree that exercising is the only way to keep fit and healthy? When it comes to the the phrase ââ¬Ëa healthy lifestyleââ¬â¢, many people often think of the gym as the only way to keep your body in shape. It seems difficult for them to achieve, and is often seen very negatively. However, exercising is not the only way. In fact, there are many ways to keep fit and healthy, such as having a regular diet, having enough rest, and keeping a positive mindset. Having a regular diet is one of the simplest yet hardest way to keep fit. It requires one to adjust the way they eat, and be cautious of their food intake. However, it may not seem as difficult as it may seem to be. For example, fish and chips seems very unhealthy, but there are ways to make it healthier. Baking it instead of deep-frying it, and just adding a few vegetables to go along with your meal would be an easy way to ââ¬Å"neutralizeâ⬠your unhealthy food. Make a few simple changes to your diet, and you would soon feel much healthier. To make sure your body has abundant energy to do your daily activities, having enough rest is very important. While you rest, your brain stays busy, and prepares you for the next day. Minimal deprivation of sleep takes a toll on your mood, energy, and ability to handle stress. Adults should sleep betweeen 6-7 hours each day. However, if one is not getting average sleep time, it is best to catch up on weekends where there is no work. Sleep should not be deprived of as it can affect your mental state, energy level and ability to focus. Lastly, having a postitive mindset can help boost oneââ¬â¢s morale or motivation spirit. When one is postive about his or her life, he or she would be able to solve obstacles they face with ease as they are able to find ways to solve their problems rather than just dwelling over it. This helps keep both the mind and brain healthy. Rather than thinking that life is unfair, one should appreciate the many things that one has.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Bilingualism in Spanish Education
Bilingualism in Spanish Education Nowadays, bilingual education has become an important issue in Spanish education. Along the years, education has been modified several times by different laws and political ideologies and it is still happening today. I will focus on the Spanish primary schools, specifically in Andalusia, where I would like to study the current situation, considering the law as the main rule to bear in mind when making changes. However, the system has to be adapted to the new needs in education and the methodology teaching. Thus, the legislative frameworks guiding the Spanish education system are the Spanish Constitution (1978), the Organic Act on the right to Education (LODE, 1978), and the Organic Law of Education 2/2006, 3rd May (Ley Organica de Education LOE 2006). Considering that many places are monolingual communities, then it follows that the changes in the education system are being done slowly. Some educational and pedagogical books have mentioned the situation in the past and how to implement advantages in methodology and language learning. But in the case of Spain, as some studies have referred to, the obligation to improve in terms of second language knowledge is mainly due to the demands in the competitive market in the EU. For example, in the book CLIL in Spain Implementation, Results and Teacher Training, David Lasagabaster makes mention of the setting in our education: The fact that Spain finds itself in the penultimate position in the ranking of EU countries in terms of second language knowledge, a figure offered by the latest demolinguistic reports of the continent (Council of Europe 2005; Grin 2002), has wounded the credibility of the educational system and was seen as a real threat to future growth and development (Lasagabaster, 3). That is the most commonly held reason, as researchers suggest in their writings, why the government and authorities started to focus on the promotion of L2 competences as an essential step towards modernization and prosperity. Then, on April 25th, 2005, in Andalusia, the minister for education presented a plan called Plan de Fomento del Plurilinguismo (henceforth the Plan, Junta de Andalucia 2004), the main aim was to provide teachers with useful skills to perform new tasks required of them; in other words, teachers had to adapt to a lot of different functions that are affected in the use of language and methodology, for teacher training in content and language integrated learning. It was of concern to foreign language teachers and teachers in general because of the non-linguistic areas of knowledge, such as natural science, art, physical educationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ As a consequence, a huge investment was made in human and technical resources, teacher training, mobility and the innovation of the curricula design. It allowed around 400 bilingual Primary and Secondary schools to be inaugurated. But it brings an enormous challenge to the teachers, as I mentioned above, due to two main reasons: first, they have to put their English language skills into practice, and second, they have to improve their language level. Another difficulty to be faced is the lack of published textbooks for bilingual schools, so teachers will need the help of the assistant teacher creating the materials and also a large amount of time to prepare the tasks. However, it is also necessary to mention the mobility programs for teachers and students, which facilitate language experiences, teacher training schemes, increased student exchanges, and basically extend adult education and lifelong learning. So far, many initiatives based on the new trends of foreign language teaching have happened; Curriculum Integrado de las Lenguas CIL, was meant to be the first step in the changes planned, and then CLIL (which seems to share the same ideas), led to agreements between foreign organisations and universities to allow exchange visits and the mobility of students and teachers, Teacher Training Centres, study abroad programmesà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Most of these regulations were created between 1998 and 2004 at experimental bilingual schools, and were finally set up in all the Andalusian provinces, and consequently, many schools will later join the experience of plurilingual education. Teachers realize that the students have to be responsible for their own learning, they have to be independent learners, and to manage their individual learning needs. Regarding the students learning, an evaluation of CLIL programs in Andalusia was carried out in 2008. There are a lot of benefits in CLIL schemes; Lasagabaster has written in his book about the CLIL program: The potential of CLIL with respect to the goals of plurilingual education has noticeably been taken into account by the educational authorities in Andalusia and the language education policies that have been implemented (159). As far as Im concerned, many studies and academic writings are carried out in this field. All of them have helped to improve and move forward the study of foreign language learning. However, my project will prove that primary education, which is one of the most important phases in students lives, requires changes in schools. Nevertheless, schools have to follow the same pathway, bringing useful skills for students lives, and teaching them how to face a changing world with the right tools. I think CLIL brings the possibility of helping students when learning a second language, but it could be a challenge. 3. Theoretical framework and research methodology Theoretical Framework: 3, 5 pà ¡ginas The aim of this study is to investigate bilingual education in relation to the content and methodology used by teachers when students are learning a foreign language, so after exploring many sources (books, internet, libraryà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦), I am going to base my theoretical framework on the use of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). The reason I came up with my decision is because I was exploring some teacher methodologies adopted in schools in the past when teaching a second language. Compared with today, in the past teachers basically used to rely on repetition or imaginary situations in their lessons, which had no relation to real life situations, which would serve as a way to gain the knowledge to communicate in another language. Nonetheless, after years of research on teacher training, other ways of teaching and learning have been shown to be more successful, and I can say that studies in language teaching have achieved breakthroughs in the development of a second language. Indeed, CLIL is an example of this process. We are living in a time of advances and innovation in technology, and this often involves changes in the way we do things. Therefore, integration becomes more important today than the fragmented style practised in previous years, so it is a step forward in our present that brings fusion between categories that might have been divided in the past. As a result, CLIL invites us to the confluence between the learning of content and language. It provokes changes in teachers, as they move away from fragmentation when teaching in separate areas of content and language, which was a situation that arose in the old schools. Therefore, since fusion is a fact, in the present and in the future, the information and communication sectors are integrating technologies due to social demand. CLIL is a useful theory created to help young people to build integrated knowledge and skills for a progressively unified world. A good definition of CLIL can be found in Uncovering CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual and Multilingual Education: In short, CLIL is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. For example, CLIL has involved Malaysian children learning maths and science in English. (Mehisto, 9). We can start to see the world as a product of globalization, where technology is a useful tool to exchange information and knowledge. It also has an impact in the way we teach and on what we teach. Therefore, CLIL is a strategy with the objective of using a language that is not the students native language, as a way of instruction and learning for primary subjects, such as maths, science, art, physical education, musicà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Although it is difficult to combine the language learning with content learning, co-operation and the exchange skills among language and content teachers come to be essential when CLIL is implemented in the classroom. Nevertheless, it has to be accompanied by enough time for class preparation and enough time for the teachers to reach a common agreement on teaching strategies and student activities. Additionally, it is an easy task if we think that the subjects that we are going to deal with have to be updated and students familiar with their use: The learning materials used in CLIL classes are often from current sources such as newspaper articles, books, brochures, web pages or blogs. Students are supported in using these materials. The texts are adapted by cutting information into manageable chunks and adding synonyms or a glossary. (Mehisto, 33) Moreover, once again it is clear that the purpose of language in CLIL is to be considered and used as a tool, rather than as a particular area of study; hence, this new strategy seems to be appropriate considering the rush for changes and the new challenges presented by the world today. Teachers are aware that there will be several changes, and as consequence, the atmosphere in the classroom will help students in their development and comprehension of the subject: Krashens hypothesis on the affective filter states that optimum learning occurs in an environment of high stimulation and low anxiety. According to his theory, the emotional state of the learner acts as a filter. Krashen sees the learners emotional state as an adjustable filter that may pass or impede input needed for acquisition (Rozeta, 3823). As mentioned before, Europe is making changes related to the necessity of learning languages without forgetting the content, and this is one of the reasons why the EUÃâà ´s language policy promotes multilingualism, and they promote the interest of every EU citizen in being able to speak at least two foreign languages, which is reflected in schools from an early age. Knowledge of languages is at the heart of a successful Europe. Multilingualism enables communication and understanding, key elements in inspiring Europes many diverse cultures to work together towards common goals. Language teaching is therefore of central importance (Rozeta, 3824). Referring to the acquisition of teaching strategies in CLIL, it is not easy to apply and it requires considerable effort to put it into practice: it demands collaboration among subject teachers and language teachers, as well as a greater range of activities than in a regular class. The materials used have to be well prepared and accurate. In the case of CLIL, it is recommended that the material be compiled by both teachers, so good time management skills are also necessary. It is a fact that CLIL is one of the most effective methods of learning a foreign language, and many places in Spain are still in the process of introducing it in state schools because the process takes more time than in private schools; private schools are more flexible and a new law can be introduced quickly. Interestingly, a study in Andalusia have proven that CLIL students obtain much better results in communicative skills than in the non-CLIL groups in other languages; however, it is still necessary to invest in more research on this subject: However, a preoccupying fact in Andalusia is that there is virtually no existing research on non-CLIL language classrooms and the same with respect to content-subject classrooms. Given the very low ratings for Andalusia in the PISA reports this should be a priority (Bruton, 530). After all these findings on research in education, and specifically in bilingual education, the government has had to compromise and collaborate with the universities, institutions, schools, teachersà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ with the aim of investing in teacher training for high-quality education in order to transform CLIL into a reality in all the schools. Research methodology and design: 3,5 paginas Before explaining my choices, I will mention the main differences between qualitative and quantitative methods. The term quantitative refers to the fact that the emphasis is on the amount of data. Therefore, the use of questionnaires as research tools is more common in quantitative research. Interviews and observation, however, are usually thought of as qualitative techniques, since the focus is on the quality of the data, not the quantity. It was best stated by Best and Khan on their well-known work, Research in Education. On the one hand, [q]uantitative research consists of those studies in which the data concerned can be analysed in terms of numbers. On the other hand, [r]esearch can also be qualitative, that is, it can describe events, persons and so forth scientifically without the use of numerical data. Furthermore, [q]uantitative research is based more directly on its original plans and its results are more readily analysed and interpreted, whereas [q]ualitative research is more open and responsive to its subject. As a conlusion, it can be said that [b]oth types of research are valid and useful. They are not mutually exclusive (89-90). The main research tool used in this paper is the interview, which can also be considered a professional conversation (Interviews: An Introduction to qualitative research interviewing. Kvale, 5). In general, the interview can be defined as having a purpose: to obtain descriptions of the world of the interviewee, and to interpret the meaning of the described phenomena. Thus, the use of interviews in research can be seen as something natural: it is a conversation that has a structure and a purpose. It could be produced through spontaneous exchanges of views in everyday conversation, and converted through a careful questioning and listening approach with the aim of obtaining thoroughly tested knowledge. Usually, it is not considered a conversation between equal partners because the researcher normally takes control of the situation. The researcher is in charge of introducing the topic of the interview, and following up on the subjects answers to his or her questions. The conversation has been used as a way of gathering information since ancient times: Socrates already used dialogues to obtain philosophical knowledge from people. In addition, the social sciences that originated in the late 19th century also made use of interviews for research in a systematic way. Ever since, conversations have belonged to the realm of the social sciences, the humanities and philosophy. At this moment, the emphasis on the interview, and on the interpretation of its meanings, practically places interview research within the domain of the humanities. The numerous advances in technical devices, such as portable tape recorders and computer programs, have made it possible to take accurate recordings of interviews, as well as to easily transcribe them. Moreover, the research methodology used in this paper is a qualitative methodology because the data used here is termed soft, which means it is rich in the description of people, places and conversation, and not easily handled by statistical procedures. In this study, I am going to focus my analysis on bilingual education; specifically, on the experiences of two English teachers from two very different environments: one works in a bilingual school and the other works in a Spanish monolingual school. It could be said that qualitative research is also more natural; this is because the researcher frequents the places where the events he or she is interested in occur naturally. Furthermore, the data gathered is supplied by people engaging in their natural behaviour. In addition, I used qualitative research because it is descriptive; in an interview, the data collected is based on the words of the interviewee rather than numbers. When using qualitative methods, researchers are interested in the process, instead of simply the outcome. Here, the participant perspective is essential, and the researcher needs to be interested in how different people make sense of their lives, as well as many other factors, in order to accurately capture their perspectives. The reason I will use a qualitative method is that I think this method is the most suitable one for research in the field of education, which is what I am working on. It is a method that allows us to see and understand events in their proper context. Thus, I will immerse myself in the context, preparing the interview and then interviewing both subjects at their respective schools. This process will be interactive because the people being studied will tell the researcher about their lives. Moreover, the experience will be approached as a whole, not as a series of independent variables, since the goal is to obtain a unified view of the situation. Hence, a qualitative method seems to be the most suitable choice. As mentioned above, I will analyse and transcribe the interviews relating the experiences of two teachers working in very different environments, but both teaching subjects in a foreign language. The aim is to study their answers and compare them, looking at the different methods and programs used. The decision to use an interview is based on the fact that, through their answers and background information, I will evaluate their ideas and compare how bilingual and monolingual schools differ with respect to teaching a second language in primary school. My interview will consist of four questions; my intention is to avoid, as much as possible, questions that can be answered by yes or no (closed questions) because in that case I will not be able to obtain the information needed for the study. I am going to use a semi-structured or open interview; one reason for this is that I have just one chance to meet with the teachers and, in that time, I have to cover all the points and to obtain reliable, comparable, qualitative data. These questions are specifically focused on comparing a bilingual school teacher and a monolingual school teacher; mostly on the use of foreign language when teaching the content, advantages and disadvantages in both cases, and some of the problems that arise in a classroom when the language used is not the native one. The design of the interview is divided into seven stages, according to Kvale (88): Thematizing. Before the interview starts formulate the purpose of the investigation and describe the concept of the topic to be investigated. The why and what should be clarified before the question of how-method is posed. Designing. To design the study in undertaken with regard to obtaining the intended knowledge, before the interviewing starts. Interviewing. Conduct the interview based on an interview guide and with reflective approach to the knowledge. Transcribing. Prepare the interview material for analysis which includes normally a transcription from oral speech to a written text. Analyzing. Decide which method of analysis are appropriate thinking on the purpose and the nature of the interview material. Verifying. . Establish the generalizability, reliability, and validity of the interview findings. Reporting. Communicate the findings of the study and the methods applied in a form that lives up to scientific criteria, takes the ethical aspects of the investigation into consideration, and that results in a readable product. Finally, I have decided on the two chosen teachers because one works in a bilingual school and his native language is English, and the other teacher works in a monolingual school and her native language is Spanish. This will allow me a wider field of work, so that I can analyze as many differences as possible.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Doctor Faustus Essay -- essays research papers
Remind yourself of scene 5, lines 167 ââ¬â 280 (pages 31 ââ¬â 37 in the New Mermaids Edition) from ââ¬Å"Now would I have a bookâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ to the entrance of The Seven Deadly Sins. (In some other editions, this section begins near the end of Act 2 Scene 5 and includes the opening of Act 2 Scene 1.) What is the importance of this section in the context of the whole play? In your answer you should consider: -The dramatic effects created by the Good and Evil Angels -The language used by Faustus and Mephastophilis. This section of the play has both an important structural and contextual role in Dr. Faustus. Leading the audience through his doubt and limitations, Faustus begins to realize that his potential for knowledge and power is not half as grand as he expected. This leads him into strong bouts of inner struggle, as shown by the appearance of the good and evil angels on stage. The forces of good and evil start to tear away at Faustus, and he begins the decline into his inventible tragic downfall at the end of the play. At the start of section, we see Faustus is beginning to use his powers to attain rare and elusive knowledge about our universe, forming elaborate demands, such as; ââ¬Å"Now would I have a book where I might see all characters and planets of the heavens, that I might know their motions and dispositionsâ⬠. Of course, the knowledge is granted, but appears to be enclosed in one single-volume book. Faustus sees this as a boundary ââ¬â another restriction, on the pledge that was supposed to bring him ultimate rewards. He states; ââ¬Å"O thou art deceived!â⬠, realising the dissatisfaction, and what he has sacrificed. It could be said that Marlowe uses this anticlimax to warn the audience not to follow Faustusââ¬â¢ ways, emphasizing the fact that it can only bring superficial pleasures and shallow reward. The section is also characterized by the two appearances of the good and evil angels, which I feel play a significant role in the morality issues the dealt with in the play. Aside from signifying the persuasion into evil, the appearance of the angels also represents Faustusââ¬â¢ inner conflict, by exposing his gradual realisation that his actions have left him disappointed, and the fact that he cannot escape the religion within him. These scenes are vital to the play, and are used by Marlowe to present Faustusââ¬â¢ thoughts on stage. If seen in the context of a morality play, it could be ... ...stus is blind to the truth of repentance. And I feel at this moment, the audience truly realize that he can never escape this tragic spiral into damnation. Overall, we have seen how Marlowe uses this section of Dr.Faustus to present the tragic traits in Faustusââ¬â¢ character, and most importantly to highlight his flaws, and how they show the gradual failure of his plans. It deals with important contextual issues, such as the limitations and implications of over ambition shown in Mephastophilis blunt offerings ââ¬â which Marlowe demonstrate the consequences of over-reaching yourself. It also presents us with the Morality play idea, by using the Good and Evil angels to present Faustusââ¬â¢ inner struggle of good versus evil, which he cannot overcome. Finally, Marlowe has also used the section to convey the traits of the Elizabethan tragic hero ââ¬â in Faustusââ¬â¢ constant search for achievement, inability to recognise implications and failed plans. Ultimately, I feel the section is significant as it powerfully highlights these characteristics to portray the dangers of Faustusââ¬â¢ exploits, while evoking feelings of fear and tension with the audience towards the tragic climax at the end of the play.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Pro-Life Essay -- essays research papers fc
Pro-Life English I 1 Abortion, when the topic comes up, it is usually something people do not like to discuss. People may tend to avoid this issue for fear of offending or angering others but it is extremely important that the horrors of this brutal practice be addressed. During the years 1965-1996 over 515 million babies have been murdered, this is if you add the number of chemical and surgical abortions ( This is what we need to understand: abortion kills and we need to know where it came from. The legalization of abortion started in Mississippi in the year 1966; it was used in the cases of rape. Then other states began to expand the use of abortion. For instance, if it was the case of rape, incest, or the fetus had abnormalities or if it could seriously affect the motherââ¬â¢s health. In the year 1973 the Supreme Court decided on two cases, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. These decisions now effectively legalized abortions for any number of reasons. 1976, things have barely changed at all, but some laws have been passed to somewhat protect the babies. In Missouri permission for an abortion now had to be granted from the motherââ¬â¢s parents if the mother is under eighteen or if she is married permission from her husband. May 12 1994, Bill Clinton virtually eliminated our first amendment rights of peaceful pro-life protestors by signing the law the freedom of Access Clinics Entrance Act (FACE). This act halted the right to demonstrate out...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Bond of Marriage Essay -- Gay Marriages Homosexuals Equality Essay
The Bond of Marriage The argument to allow gay couples to marry has been a debatable topic for many years. The authors, Andrew Sullivan and William Bennett have conflicting beliefs to whether gay marriages should be permissible. Sullivan expresses his opinion of the right gays have to marry in his article ââ¬Å"Let Gays Marry.â⬠Bennett retaliates with his own article opposing gay marriage. His article ââ¬Å"Leave Marriage Alone,â⬠relates his view that same-sex marriage is wrong and unethical. Both authors provide valid information to their opinions. Andrew Sullivan conveys his idea on gay marriage in his article ââ¬Å"Let Gays Marryâ⬠published in Newsweek on June 3, 1996, pg 26. Sullivanââ¬â¢s article addresses those who are opposed to homosexual marriage or unsure of their beliefs. He tries to persuade his audience to favor gay marriages. Sullivan believes gay men and lesbians should have the right to marry because they are citizens of the United States. Every citizen is granted the right of equality regardless of their circumstance or sexual preference. Sullivan quotes the Supreme Court and its recent decree when this article was composed and written. ââ¬Å"A state cannot deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws,â⬠(Sullivan, pg 25). The Supreme Court finally recognized the gay community as normal human beings that should not be ostracized by society. They should not have to feel like second-class citizens in their own free country. These reasons lead Sullivan to believe in homosexual marriag e. Every person should be allowed to marry if they are fortunate enough to find their true love. Marriage is a commitment between two people who wish to bind their love in sacred vow. Marriage, explains Sullivan, is ââ¬Å"the ... ...of the human species. Sullivan argues marriage is not only limited to child-rearing. Pat and Shelly Buchanan and Bob and Elizabeth Dole are examples of prominent heterosexual couples who never had children. Sullivan and Bennettââ¬â¢s articles both explain the different opinions of many Americans in the United States. Sullivan shows how the gay community has struggled for their right to allow same-sex marriage. He gives his opinions and examples of why gay marriage should be permitted America. Bennett opposes this type of marriage with his argument of where the special rights for immoral sexual activities would end. He uses his own opinions influenced by religious faith. Sullivan states credible facts regarding human nature and Americaââ¬â¢s governmental establishment. Both authors present good arguments for their opinions and express their ideas constructively.
ââ¬ÅShrouded in Contradictionââ¬Â by Gelareh Asayesh
In the essay ââ¬Å"Shrouded in Contradictionâ⬠by Gelareh Asayesh discusses the distention of gender in her Islamic society. She expresses her feeling toward wearing a hijab and how itââ¬â¢s not a big deal until it is. ââ¬Å"None have been more daring than I. I've wound my scarf into a turban, leaving my neck bare to the breeze. The woman in black is a government employee paid to police public morals. â⬠Fix your scarf at once! â⬠she snaps. â⬠But I'm hot,â⬠I say. â⬠You're hot? â⬠she exclaims. ââ¬ËDon't you think we all are? â⬠I start unwinding my makeshift turban. The men arenââ¬â¢t hot,â⬠I mutter. Her companion looks at me in shocked reproach. ââ¬Å"Sister, this isnââ¬â¢t about men and women,â⬠she said, shaking her head. ââ¬Å"This is about Islam. â⬠I want to argue. I feel like a child. Defiant, but powerless. Burning with injustice, but also with a hint of shame. â⬠In this excerpt, she clearly expres ses the way that a hijab is about a lot more than a religious article of clothing.Itââ¬â¢s a societal definition of genders. She expresses the way that the hijab can become complicated do to the societal views. She feels a strong sense of injustice because on a hot scorching day by the sea short, as a result of their sexuality women have to endure the heat in silence under there hijab. When she expresses her discomfort, she is reproach by a women officer. She reminded her; that the hijab has nothing to do with being a woman or a man, but is about being an Islamic woman.Thus, lies the contradiction, gender does play a role within the Islamic religion and society. This dictates the way in which a woman should dresses, and is expected to behave. This excerpt correlates with the main topic of this essay, by explaining the role of clothing in an Islamic society. She also links this excerpt by expressing the powerless and guilty feelings she felt when the officer reproach her. There sh e was a women, yet she felt ââ¬Å"â⬠¦like a child. â⬠Because of the societal rules and expectations that where being demanded of her.
Monday, September 16, 2019
IT Planning at Modmeters Essay
Introduction This paper discusses the various aspects of IT planning at Modmeters Company which has two strategies of expanding globally and providing direct-to-customer sales. The role of IT is important in the expansion initiatives of Modmeters. The executives of various departments held a meeting to identify the budget requirements for the expansion. The plan is to establish new plants in Asia and Eastern Europe where the infrastructure facilities are not sufficient required for the operations at Modemeters. Brian Smith, CIO of Modmeters is worried about these two initiatives as the IT funding was very poor. The company has never invested in reengineering the existing systems, instead, they always introduced new systems on top of the other. John Johnson, CEO wanted to change the name of the company as MM for this updated strategy. The current budget levels at the company are not going support the expansion initiatives. Surprisingly, only 2% of the revenue was allocated to IT. According to Brian, 80% of the IT budget was fixed for running the existing systems and fixing errors. The remaining 20% was allotted based on ROI, where majority of the budget was used by manufacturing department, Human resources and marketing departments having minor share. Brian believed that this kind of budgeting is not effective for their new business strategies (McKeen & Smith, 2012). Brian explains the need to implement flexible systems to support the updated strategies. He stresses on the budget requirements to buy new infrastructure and problems with the existing systems. The systems are not integrated and use different terminologies in different divisions. IT needs investment for infrastructure, underlying processes and to manage the information. However, the outcomes of the budget meeting after having a long discussion were to prioritize the IT projects depending up on their contribution to the key objectives of the company and also how each of them is adding value to the Modmeters. To develop the direct-to-customer sales, the marketing department needs more investment to get the resources. Hence, to implement the new strategicà initiatives at Modemeters, the budget allocated to IT and marketing plays a key role. Recommendations An IT planning process needs to be developed to meet the demands of the new projects. First of all, the IT architecture has to be changed such that the systems are flexible to use. All the divisions should use similar terminology to manage the information and communicate with other divisions. A data dictionary need to be developed to address the terminology issues. IT should be involved in decision making at Modmeters. An enterprise architecture need to be developed to get the best out of IT. Though, I accept that IT projects should be measured in terms of ROI, the current situation at Modmeters is different. The systems are never reengineered and the communication between the systems look like a spaghetti, where failure of each system may lead to a complete failure. There is a need to invest on improving the architecture considering long term advantages of the investment. The IT and business should have a common goals and objectives in developing the existing business. The needs of the manufacturing, marketing, R&D and HR need to be understood and allocate the budget accordingly. Identify the core competencies of IT and a cost-benefit analysis should be made for the projects. The business employeesââ¬â¢ opinions should be taken in using technologies. The key business staff needs to be identified and made account managers. They should present their findings to the top management so that, the governance body can look for interoperability of the systems. In the IT vision, guiding principles should be developed which links the business strategies. Meanwhile, existing business requirements and operations should be addressed as a continuous process. A departmental approach should be taken while prioritizing the projects. This approach focuses on improving the business by expanding globally, enabling direct-to-customer sales, satisfying Stanââ¬â¢s auditing needs, making use of existing projects and improving the infrastructure. Account managers should analyze how the proposed project would benefit their respective departments. The IT and business people should work closely while developing strategies. A SWOT analysis should be made while developing the plan. IT should be given enough budget and team work is essential to implement new strategies. The people need to be trained by allocating budget required to HR department.à The resources should be used effectively for the global expansion. A centralized IT structure is essential for Modmeters to share the information between the divisions. Fred, VP of manufacturing should understand the value of IT. At Modmeters, business needs should be understood by IT to deliver the best technology meanwhile, business people should provide necessary funding to IT. Apart from the ROI, Customer satisfaction, greater efficiency, product quality, cash savings and other intangible benefits need to be considered while assessing the business value of a project (Ferris, 2012). The marketing department funding needs to be increased. It is important to enable smooth transition while expanding and change should be managed carefully to be successful. Also, the policies and procedures in the IT plan should comply with the regulations. To conclude, IT and business collaboration is important in strategic IT planning. IT value should be understood by business and business needs should be understood by IT. At Modmeters, reengineering the existing systems, taking a departmental approach, satisfying the departmental needs and funding sufficiently will help to implement the two strategic initiatives. References Mckeen, J. D., & Smith, H. (2012). Delivering Value with IT (2nd ed). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Ferris, B. (2012, June 12). How to Measure the Business Value of a Project. Retrieved February 17, 2015, from
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Botany of a City Essay
The story of each community can be determined by its plant life. Plant life can determine what will inhabit the area and what the economy will thrive on. Atlanta, Georgia is no exception. When the first European explorers reached the upper Piedmont of Georgia, it was already inhabited by Creek Indians, also known as the Muskogee. The Creek Indians believed that there were supernatural powers attributed to all natural things. They used many plants in healing the sick and also believed that there were plants that would provide them with greater hunting powers. The majority of Creek territory was located in the hilly Piedmont. The vegetation was an oak-pine forest, composed of a mixed growth of oak, pine, sassafras, chestnut, and hickory trees. In Indian Territory, Creek lands were a mosaic of oak woodland, tall-grass prairie, and bottomland hardwood forest changing to a mixed long and short-grass prairie on the western periphery of their region. The bulk of the area encompassed a forested belt known as the Cross Timbers. ââ¬Å"Creek Indians chose to settle in stream bottomlands, and tried to avoid the heavily timbered and tall-grass prairie areas. They favored areas that provided reliable wood qand water sources. Limited agriculture, widespread livestock husbandry, and increasingly dispersed tribal towns continued to characterize the Creek landscape. â⬠(Swanton, 2000) This inhabitation of the Creek Indians extended into the early 1800s. The Decatur area was treatied over from the Creeks in 1820. Many people assume that Native Americans left the forests virtually untouched; however, this is not true. Native Americans cleared, farmed, and burned the landscape of Georgia, in some areas greatly impacting and changing the natural landscape. In the Atlanta area, indigenous populations apparently never attained sizable numbers. Therefore, their influence on the present Atlanta landscape probably was minimal. (Swanton, 2000) Many plants native to the Atlanta area were used by both the Indians and others for their medicinal value. The cornus florida (Dogwood tree) is a flowering tree that will reach a height of 25 feet at maturity with a 25 foot spread. A variety of Dogwood trees can be found throughout the country, but the red Dogwood is more common to the southern regions of the country. The red Dogwood grows in acidic, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, well drained, clay soils. The red Dogwood has red blooms that appear in the spring. This tree has glossy, red fruit eaten by birds when ripened in the fall. Flowering dogwood was used medicinally by a number of native North American Indian tribes who valued it especially for its astringent and antiperiodic properties. The dried root-bark is antiperiodic, astringent, diaphoretic, mildly stimulant and tonic. The flowers are said to have similar properties. A tea or tincture of the astringent root bark has been used as a quinine substitute to treat malaria and also in the treatment of chronic diarrhea. The bark has also been used as a to treat external ulcers and wounds. The inner bark was boiled and the tea drunk to reduce fevers and to restore a lost voice. A compound infusion of the bark and the root has been used in the treatment of various childhood diseases such as measles and worms. It was often used in the form of a bath. The fruits are used as a bitter digestive tonic. The 1830s to the 1930s was the time of great expansion of agriculture in the Georgia Piedmont. Cotton was a primary crop and land that was flat enough to plow became agricultural land. Even areas of forests were cleared for the production of cotton. This left the ground unprotected from erosion and the loss of topsoil. Cotton as a crop drains the soil of nutrients and in the 1930s the soils became poor. Many farms went bankrupt and farmers abandoned their fields. It wasnââ¬â¢t long before the pines quickly reclaimed most fields, and forestry became the agriculture of the Piedmont. Pines could survive in the poor soils, and the Piedmont gradually reforested, although it has not returned to its original state. From 1930 to 1960, Atlanta slowly grew from a primarily suburban and rural city to a large urban city. Further growth took place from 1965 to present. This period of time saw tremendous residential, industrial, and transportation growth. Atlanta became the great international city that it is today. This expansion eliminated many of our trees, changed drainage patterns, increased impermeable surfaces, and fragmented and isolated habitat patches. (Livingston & Shreve, 1921) Cotton was a primary contributing factor to the growth of Atlantaââ¬â¢s agricultural industry. Cotton grows in a warm climate, with rich soil. Cotton requires a 160-day frost free growing period. Cotton is unique in that the entire plant can be utilized in different ways. The fiber or lint is used in making cotton cloth. Linters provide cellulose for making plastics, explosives, high quality paper products and processed into batting for padding mattresses, furniture and automobile cushions. The cotton seed is crushed and separated, with the oil being used for cooking, and the hulls being used as meal for livestock, or fertilizer. Cotton is a labor intensive crop and expanded the role of slavery in the south. Without the use of slave labor, it is unlikely that farmers would have been able to produce enough cotton to survive. Prior to the Civil War, the cotton industry was challenged as slaves and land became more expensive and harder to find. Farmers tried to plant cotton anywhere they could find, using even poor soil. Cotton growing was proving to be profitable and anyone who could take part in the industry did. With the use of slave labor and the boom of the cotton industry, there became a division of class and race in Atlantaââ¬â¢s society. (www. georgianencyclopedia. com) As a mainstay of the Atlanta agriculture, cotton expositions became a way for Atlanta to attract visitors and expand their economy. Atlanta held its first cotton exposition, the International Cotton Exposition in 1881. The purpose of the exposition was to expand trade, and boost the economy. The International Cotton Exposition was host to more than 200,000 people and lasted for two and a half months. Those who promoted and hosted the exposition were doing so to expand the economy and create an industrial center in Atlanta. The fierce competition in the cotton industry would also lead to the demise of the Atlanta countryside, as farmers leveled forests in order to create more land for the farming of cotton. (Parkins, 1938) The yellow pines played a major role in the development of the railroad in Atlanta and the railroad provided for the growth and expansion of Atlanta and its economy. It was the growth and expansion of the agriculture surrounding Atlanta that created the need for expansion in the transportation industry, namely the railroad. Effective and efficient transportation was needed. Atlanta was growing at rate faster than any other southern city. Competition between communities in the south propelled the expansion of the railroad to Atlanta. Local politicians were aware that transportation would provide for economic prosperity. Atlanta was given railroad connections with the seacoast in 1845. Atlantaââ¬â¢s growth was in part due to its geographic location. The creation of the southern terminus of the first railroad in northern Georgia, the Western and Atlantic, fixed its location and it became a crossroads of railroads in the early 1850ââ¬â¢s when a line was built northwestward from Augusta and another from Atlanta to Montgomery. The railroad also brought with it challenges during the Civil War. As a central hub, it was the seat of large manufactures for the Confederate army and a depot for supplies, and sustained major damage during the war. The railroad provided Atlanta with an ability to maintain its trade with the world. (Parkins, 1938) Atlanta was rich in resources to assist in building the railroad. The yellow pines were used as railroad ties and provided timber for construction. The Longleaf Pine is an evergreen that grows mainly along the southern border and the western edge of the United States. In its mature state it will 60 to 80 feet in height, with a 30 to 40 foot spread. The Longleaf Pine grows in alkaline, loamy, rich, wide range, clay soils. The Longleaf Pine thrives in full sun to partial shade. The Longleaf Pine trunk has scaly, coarse, light, orange-brown bark with upright branches forming an oval, open crown. The flexible, dark green needles are up to 18â⬠³ long, and the large, spiny cones are up to 10â⬠³ long and may persist on the tree for two years. For the first five to seven years, the pine stays in a tufted, grass-like stage after germination, growing slowly while the root system develops. It is drought tolerant once the tree is established. Following the grass stage, it grows at a medium to fast rate. The inch long clusters of new growth are silver white during the winter. The roots are sensitive to disturbance during construction. This tree provides food and cover for wildlife, including the now endangered red-cockaded woodpecker. Squirrels, quails, brown-headed nuthatches, and turkeys eat the seeds. (www. georgianencyclopedia. org) Today only 3 million acres across the South contain some longleaf forests, and of that only about 12,000 scattered acres retain an old-growth component with a biologically diverse understory. One study estimates that Georgia maintained more than 4 million acres of longleaf forest in 1936, while just 376,400 acres remained in 1997. The longleaf pine is considered to be the dominant tree species in this ecosystem and is essential to its existence. It is in its understory where the diversity of this system exists and has therefore been threatened. ââ¬Å"In fact, the longleaf pine, grassland forest may well be the most diverse North American ecosystem north of the tropics, containing rare plants and animals not found anywhere else. The understory throughout the longleaf range contains from 150 to 300 species of groundcover plants per acre, more breeding bird than any other southeastern forest type, about 60 percent of the amphibian and reptile species found in the Southeast, and at least 122 endangered or threatened plant species. â⬠(www. georgianencyclopedia. org) Atlanta is a city rich in history and diversity, much of which was created and sustained by its ecology and plant life. It was the plant life that sustained the Creek Indians until their expulsion. Plants, such as the cornus florida were used medicinally among many others. In a time period when modern medicine was not available, it is likely that these medicinal plants played a critical role in everyday life. The role of cotton in the development and subsequent effects to Atlanta cannot be overstated. As a primary crop, it afforded for the growth of the city but came with a cost to its environment and to its citizens. The cotton industry is largely responsible for the race relations and much of the civil unrest that occurred in Atlanta and the southern regions of the United States. Competition that took place for resources resulted in the destruction of forest lands and the establishment of a class society. Cotton also took its toil on the very soil in which it was grown, depleting it of nutrients needed to grow further crops. Although it was important to the economy of the Atlanta area, the result of forced growth and competition was not a successful venue for Atlanta. The Longleaf Pine was only one of a large variety of pine trees that grow in the Atlanta area. The Longleaf Pine provided high-quality lumber for building materials; raw materials for the naval stores industry, and forage for livestock. As with other resources in the Atlanta area, the overuse of forest lands, and the competition for resources depleted the forest and led to a decline in the population of the Longleaf pine. The creation of a large-scale timber industry furthered the decline of the forest area. Atlanta, rich in resources, is a good example of poor management of the land by it inhabitants. Resources that were once plentiful were depleted in order to build industry and create profits. Works Cited Livingston, Burton E. , and Forrest Shreve. The Distribution of Vegetation in the United States: As Related to Climatic Conditions. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1921. Questia. 26 Jan. 2007 . New Georgia Encyclopedia. The Longleaf Pine Ecosystem. www. georgianencyclopedia. com 26 Jan. 2007 < http://www. georgiaencyclopedia. org/nge/Article. jsp? id=h-2200&hl=y> Parkins, A. E. The South: Its Economic-Geographic Development. New York: Wiley, 1938. Questia. 26 Jan. 2007 . Swanton, John R. Creek Religion and Medicine. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2000. Questia. 26 Jan. 2007 . Tang, Anthony M. Economic Development in the Southern Piedmont, 1860-1950: Its Impact on Agriculture. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1958. Questia. 26 Jan. 2007 .
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Factors of Success
Heather N English 001A Midterm Essay 13 February 2013 The Factors of Success Success is a term that many use as a way to describe ideals. Living in a world that exalts the extraordinary, praises the leaders, and puts the best up on a pedestal, it is not hard to guess why achieving success is what the human race strives to do. Youth look up to the exceptional people in their life, media grasps stories of thriving individuals, and the world idolizes those who stand out. People endeavor great struggles and hardships to obtain that blissful feeling of reward and individuals are taught from day one to do whatever it takes to thrive.The book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell is a story of success and how it is achieved. Though having many different theories on success, the story focuses on the sociological phenomena of the importance of all the factors it takes to truly be an accomplished individual. Malcolm Gladwell uses different anecdotes and real life examples in his book Outliers to illust rate how success is not just solely ambition and other intrinsic factors, but a function of broader points influenced by innate, societal, and cultural factors.To support the theory on success not only being the indigenous feeling to achieve, Gladwell uses the example of The Matthew Effect, which is basically opportunities based on timing. He explains how the best Canadian hockey players have a birthday closer to January 1st and, ââ¬Å"in the beginning, his advantage isnââ¬â¢t so much that he is inherently better but only that he is a little olderâ⬠(25). The older the player is, the more experienced, dedicated, and capable he will be, and be scouted to move on to a higher rank. They then start to train with the best coaches and facilities, giving them success.This is showing how a factor of success is just evidently age, timing, and, ââ¬Å"it is those who are successful, in other words, who are most likely to be given the kinds of special opportunities that lead to furthe r successâ⬠(30). Another example of the success by timing and opportunities is the story of the Beatles. The Beatles were invited to play in Hamburg and it was by pure accident that, ââ¬Å"Bruno went to London to look for bands. But he happened to meet an entrepreneur from Liverpool in Soho who was down in London by pure chanceâ⬠(48).Obviously the Beatles are one of the most aesthetically pleasing bands of the 20th century and they have considerable talent, but if it were not for that one accidental connection that was established, who knows what would have happened to their success. These examples go to show that opportunities and luck are huge factors in describing what success is. Another factor of describing what constitutes success are societal and cultural perception. Gladwell uses his narrative of Joe Flomââ¬â¢s classmate at Harvard, Alexander Bickel.He was the top of his class and, ââ¬Å"perhaps the finest constitutional scholar of his generationâ⬠(121 ). As a Jewish man with a thick Brooklyn accent, he did not fit the cookie cutter image they were looking for and the firm was not interested. This goes to show the correlation between perception and success by simply being denied a job because of cultural factors. It is universally known that people judge based on opinions, which causes hindering on success. The way someone was raised in their culture might negatively affect their opportunity for success purely based on someone elseââ¬â¢s opinion on their culture.A Wall Street Journal article titled, Race and ââ¬ËPrivilegeââ¬â¢, talks about the phenomenon of the term ââ¬Ëwhite privilegeââ¬â¢ and how it ties to success. The article says, ââ¬Å"Weââ¬â¢re [whites] privileged that people see us, not a color,â⬠and, ââ¬Å"weââ¬â¢re privileged because society was set up for us, and our silence keeps it in placeâ⬠. As much as society choses to ignore it, a factor of success is cultural race. Some races are considered privileged because they do not have that hindering stereotype targeted on their back and are more likely to get a perception of something different and be presented with more opportunities.Other races are considered successful solely by the societal factors of just where they live and the culture they grew up in. Cultural and societal factors tie into success as well. The article Asian-American Parenting and Academic Success in Pacific Standard, delves deep into discussing the unique style of Asian American parenting. It goes to say, ââ¬Å"Over the past two decades, a spate of studies has examined cultural beliefs that shape Asian-American parenting, and their effect on kidsââ¬â¢ learningâ⬠.Then it goes on to explain how cultural ancient beliefs have shaped how parents raise their kids to this day. The 5th century philosopher, Confucius, has influenced Asian culture and, ââ¬Å"taught that human beings should strive their whole lifetime to improve or perfect the mselvesâ⬠. These ideas that have transmitted down through generations have statistics to prove that the Asian culture is no stranger to working hard to achieve success and, ââ¬Å"such veneration of diligence helps account for the widespread Asian belief that when striving for academic success, effort counts more than innate abilityâ⬠.The culture embraces the idea of shape parenting and managing by a more hands on style. Because of this more governed culture, Asian Americans come out on top resulting in becoming more successful. However, one of the most important factors of success is the intrinsic motivation that one possesses and the actual time put into what is trying to be achieved. The 10,000-hour rule is another one of Gladwellââ¬â¢s theories used to explain success in Outliers.Based on a study by Anders Ericsson, ââ¬Å"The emerging picture from such studies is that ten thousand hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert in anythingâ⬠(40). Or in other words, the most successful people have spent grueling time, hour after hour, to work and become experts at their craft. He uses the example of one of the most influential people, Bill Gates. When he stumbled upon a high school computer in 1968, Gates lived at the computer to learn and program his way into leading one of the top grossing industries in the world.It goes to show how much practice is needed to go into a craft to reach that threshold of expertise, which then leads to success. If a person has neither stamina nor drive to push them to work to become powerful in what they do, success cannot be achieved. Malcolm Gladwell uses different anecdotes and real life examples in his book Outliers to illustrate how success is not just solely ambition and other intrinsic factors, but a function of broader points influenced by innate, societal, and cultural factors.Combinations of all these factors are what really influence the i dea of success. Success is elusive because to acquire such rare opportunities, be raised specifically to always do well, have a culture that pushes to perform exceptionally, and have the motivation to dedicate 10,000 hours to the craft, can be grueling. However, not having the perfect combination of the factors of success does not mean that success cannot be achieved. Everyone has a different viewpoint of what success means to them and their own innate way of getting on the path to their life fulfillment.All it takes is the will to have the presence of the mind and the rest is up to the person. No one is able to have a guaranteed success. If they desperately aspire to be the best, there is a path for them. Works Cited Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers: The Story of Success. New York: Little, Brown and, 2008. Print. Seal, Kathy. ââ¬Å"Asian-American Parenting and Academic Success. â⬠à Pacific Standard. Pacific Standard Magazine, 13 Dec. 2010. Web. 9 Feb. 2013. Taranto, James. â⬠Å"Race and ââ¬ËPrivilege'â⬠à Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Company, 21 June 2012. Web. 9 Feb. 2013.
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